A free lunch and friendly conversation open to everyone.
Learn how to make healthy meals with Foodwise cooking courses.
Foodwise is a charity that delivers food provision, training and education to local communities. The Lighthouse Foodwise project works with the charity to deliver cookery skills training courses where you can learn to cook and prepare healthy meals on a budget.
All the equipment and ingredients needed for each session are provided free-of-charge. And you’ll get to take the meal you’ve prepared on the course home with you.
Foodwise also provides The Lighthouse with 50 frozen meals every two weeks that we give out for free.
If you are in need of a home-cooked meal you can put it in the oven at home, please speak to the Welcome Team at The Lighthouse Woking and they’d be happy to help you access a Foodwise meal.
Join us from 11.15am - 12.30pm on Mondays during term time at The Lighthouse Woking, 8-10 High Street, Woking, GU21 6BG.
If you’ve got any questions, or you’d like to book onto a Foodwise course, please get in touch.
A free lunch and friendly conversation open to everyone.
Exploring ways to get the best out of every aspect of life.
Join us for a cup of tea and a chat, every Monday in Barnsbury.
A fun and lively afternoon chatting with the wider community over tea and cake.