

It’s difficult to talk about loneliness. People think that they’re admitting to something being wrong in their life. But, the truth is that nearly half of the adult population in the UK feel lonely sometimes. 

In 2022, 49.63% of adults (25.99 million people) in the UK reported feeling lonely occasionally, sometimes, often or always (Campaign to End Loneliness). 

The Lighthouse is determined to reduce loneliness and social isolation in Surrey and Hampshire. Growing friendships and building community is at the centre of lots of our projects. 

Many friendships have started at The Lighthouse. We love hearing stories of how people have made the most of our projects. Take a look at the list below and find an activity you’d like to be a part of. We can’t wait to meet you!

I found the Lighthouse when I was in one of the hardest parts of my life and I was struggling the most, and when I was lacking any social compassion or anything that helped me feel a part of society here. The Lighthouse provided a big light and shone the way for having my life get filled with light again by all the social activities and the support offered by the staff here. I now love coming here all the time because it is a great environment and it always leaves me feeling happy and filled with joy - what more could you ask for in life?


Creative Collective Guest

Our relational projects
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