Thank you for considering to give a gift that will leave a lasting legacy of support for your local community. Leaving a gift to The Lighthouse in your will could help to:
Keep the doors open and hope alive for those who are struggling.
Empower women to prioritise self-care, resilience and self-esteem in Nurture workshops
Equip those looking for work with interview skills and quality clothing through the Style Studio
Enable people to find their way out of debt with budget management skills
Making, or updating, your will is simple. To include a gift in your will, speak with your solicitor and tell them that you would like to support The Lighthouse. They will talk you through the various options, such as leaving a percentage of your estate or a set figure. They will help you to find a way to donate that you’re comfortable with.
You will need to provide our registered charity details, The Lighthouse, Emmaus Transformation Trust, 8 – 10 High Street Woking, GU21 6BG. Charity No. 1069902.
There is no need to let us know that you are considering giving, or have already left a gift in your will. However if you are happy to advise us we would be grateful.
As someone who has pledged to leave a legacy to The Lighthouse you will be the first to hear of news and special updates.
If you would like to speak to us confidentially about leaving a gift, please get in touch.
Donate to the work of The Lighthouse today and start supporting people in your local community.