Budgeting and debt advice that's open to all.
Life skills are the skills we need in order to deal with the challenges of life. They include everything from managing money and looking after yourself to social skills and being able to cook.
There’s obviously a wide range of life skills you could choose to learn or improve. But, at The Lighthouse we have a few projects to help people learn about money management, mental health, self care and cooking cheap and easy family meals.
All our projects are free and we’d love you to use the links below to find out more about them.
1:1 coaching to move forward into employment
Weekly workshops with health and wellbeing activities for women.
A safe place for women to learn to bake together in community.
Weekly cookery classes and budgeting tips with FoodWise.
Exploring ways to get the best out of every aspect of life.
Repairing buggies to go out to families through Jigsaw.
Life skills and money courses to support those affected by poverty.