

Thank you for choosing to raise money or donate items and resources to The Lighthouse. It’s our privilege at The Lighthouse to work with schools and colleges. We love connecting with people like you who want to make a difference and positive impact in their local communities.

Fundraising activities and donation ideas

There are so many ways to raise money as a school, class, college or society. This list gives a few ideas, but don’t let it stop you from dreaming up your own fundraising ideas! 

  • Sponsored class events - could your tutor group, science class or drama group take on another class at your school or college in a race, a swimathon or another sporty challenge? 

  • Non-uniform day - it’s a classic, pay a small amount to wear your home clothes to school and donate the funds. 

  • Themed day - choose a theme like food, money, hygiene or clothing to match up with one of The Lighthouse projects and see how you can raise awareness and money for a specific project. 

  • Host an assembly - introduce the work of The Lighthouse to your peers and teachers and get people excited about supporting the charity. 

  • Quiz night - host a fun social event that raises money at the same time 

  • Cake-sale - every classroom loves a bake-off challenge. 

  • Charity of the year - could The Lighthouse be the charity you feature all year? 

If you want help making your ideas a reality or you have any fundraising questions, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.

Email Us
fundraising ideas
Paying-in your fundraising money

The easiest way to collect donations and sponsorship for your fundraising events and activities is to set up an online JustGiving page.

JustGiving makes it really easy to promote your event and to share with your family and friends why you are fundraising for The Lighthouse. Donations made through JustGiving come straight to us and you don’t have to worry about paying in any physical money. 

Set up JustGiving
Other paying-in options

You can directly donate online, complete a bank transfer, deliver cash to any of our Lighthouse venues or post a cheque to:

The Lighthouse, 8-10 High Street, Woking GU21 6BG

Account: Emmaus Transformation Trust Limited
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No.: 00033481
Reference: Please use the name of your school or college


Fundraising and donating money isn’t the only way your schools or college can help The Lighthouse. 

Some of our projects have wish lists of physical items they need to support people in your local communities. Such as toiletries for hygiene bank, warm items for Winter Warmers, food for the Woking Foodbank, baby clothes and equipment and great quality adult second-hand clothes. 

Have a look at our wishlists to see which items The Lighthouse Projects currently need.

Donate Items
Stay in touch
The Lighthouse sends a monthly newsletter with updates from our projects and stories from our guests and volunteers. If you’d like to keep up-to-date with all the latest news, sign up today to receive the monthly email.
We'll send you our quarterly newsletter via email. You can unsubscribe at any time. By signing up you agree your data will be held in accordance with our privacy policy.