Thank you for choosing to raise money or donate items and resources to The Lighthouse. It’s our privilege at The Lighthouse to work with churches and faith groups. We love connecting with people, groups and whole congregations who want to make a difference and positive impact in their local communities.
Use these ideas to create your own fundraising activities…
Host a service - could you invite a speaker from The Lighthouse to share about the importance of social transformation and share stories from our work.
Collection and offering - dedicate a weekly offering, or a special event like a carol service to the work of The Lighthouse.
Sponsored events - engage your children and youth in a sporty challenge to get sponsored to raise money.
Charity of the Year - choose The Lighthouse as your charity of the year and dedicate time and effort throughout the year at key times to raising money for our projects.
Partner with us in prayer - could you host a monthly, or one-off, prayer meeting for the work of The Lighthouse?
If you want to share your ideas or support in making them happen, please get in touch. We’d love to help you to make your fundraising events as successful as possible.
Email Us)
The easiest way to collect donations and sponsorship for your fundraising event is to set up a JustGiving page online.
JustGiving makes it really easy to promote your event and to share with your family and friends why you are fundraising for The Lighthouse. Donations made through JustGiving come straight to us and you don’t have to worry about paying in any physical money.
You can directly donate online, complete a bank transfer, deliver cash to any of our Lighthouse venues or post a cheque to:
The Lighthouse, 8-10 High Street, Woking GU21 6BG
Account: Emmaus Transformation Trust Limited
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No.: 00033481
Reference: Please use the name of your church or faith group.
Fundraising and donating money isn’t the only way your schools or college can help The Lighthouse.
Some of our projects have wish lists of physical items they need to support people in your local communities. Such as food for the Woking Foodbank, baby clothes and equipment and great quality adult second-hand clothes.
Have a look at our wishlists to see which items The Lighthouse projects currently need.
Donate ItemsWe can host church volunteer groups or individuals if you have people from your church who would like to volunteer. Do you have skills and hours you could donate to help us? Perhaps you’ve got I.T, translation or cooking skills you could share?
Please get in touch if you’d like to set up a volunteering day or ongoing partnership with The Lighthouse
Thank you!
Get In Touch)
“I am in my element as I love to serve in any capacity, and believe as a Christian that the Bible makes me understand to love my neighbour as myself. I am really happy and fulfilled at The Lighthouse as it gives me purpose; knowing I'm putting a smile on another person's face, that's just enough for me.”