Our food bank operates as part of the Trussell Trust network of food banks.
With the support of our partners we make sure that our projects reach the right people and our resources can be used to the maximum potential.
The wide variety of projects at The Lighthouse are only made possible through the partnership, collaboration and support of many organisations, local authorities, referrers, charities, churches and businesses.
Can you help? Do you have resources, a service or items you could give to help us run projects and serve people in need in your local community? We’d love to hear from you.
Thank You to our Corporate Supporters
There are so many thank yous to make for the many agencies, businesses, charities and organisations who support The Lighthouse.
This list is ever-growing and shows examples of the importance and impact our corporate supporters have…
We receive surplus food from Fareshare each week, turning it into meals to save it from going to waste.
FoodWise staff deliver cooking classes for Lighthouse guests each week. Foodwise also regularly provide us with frozen meals to give away to those in need.
The Hygiene Bank supports us to run our hygiene bank project, providing toiletries and essential personal items for those living in poverty.
Surrey County Council supports our Winter Warmers project by providing items like flasks, wheat packs and electric blankets, and provide fuel vouchers and cooling units.
Imprint Colour supports us with our outside signage and multiple other print materials.
Woking Borough Council partners with us to support refugees. We continue to work closely to meet local needs.
Philips have given us Christmas boxes providing guests and team with high-quality treats, and baby equipment for the Jigsaw Storehouse, as well as taking the opportunity to spend corporate volunteer days with us.
McLaren have donated so many caps, t-shirts and hoodies that we almost have a Lighthouse uniform!
Firecracker Works provided us with visors throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.
Stripey Stork partners with us on our Jigsaw project, including providing hundreds of brand new rucksacks for our annual ‘Back to School’ event.
RSM support us with cookers, microwaves and other household appliances.
The Body Shop regularly collect items for our Hygiene Bank.
Boots provide in store donation boxes for Hygiene Bank products.
Asahi supports us with corporate volunteering days, donated items, and fundraising events.
The Alteration Yard provided free alterations for our prom dress project.
RHS Wisley provides The Lighthouse guests with free tickets to visit their gardens during the holidays.
Clinisys donates Easter and Christmas chocolates, and spends corporate volunteer days with us.
Moore Barlow raise funds for us through team fundraising, donate funds through corporate funding, and volunteer with various events.
Fernox take the opportunity to do corporate volunteer days with us, and donated Christmas Kindness items
Balfour Beatty take the opportunity to do corporate social responsibility volunteer days with us.
Salt & Light Coaching provide colour profiling for team, and financial donations.
Xpon Digital take part in corporate social responsibility days with us, and provide financial donations.
WABF sponsors Lighthouse fundraising events.
Jaffa and Co provides toys for Christmas Kindness, and take part in corporate social responsibility days with us.
Gallagher take the opportunity to do corporate social responsibility volunteer days with us, and also donated items to Christmas Kindness
Sainsbury's hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank.
Tesco hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank, and donates items to our Hygiene Bank.
Colgate give items towards our Hygiene Bank.
M&S hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank.
Waitrose hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank, and supports us through their Give a Little Love initiative.
Goodgym take the opportunity to do corporate social responsibility volunteer days with us.
Co Op hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank, and supports us through community fundraising.
SimPal support us with refurbished mobile phones for Lighthouse guests.
Specsavers hosts collection boxes for Woking Foodbank.
We receive financial support and donations from many individuals, groups, grant foundations, businesses and organisations.
Here are some of our recent funders.
The Lighthouse has two projects that run on a referral basis. The Woking Foodbank, that distributes emergency food supplies. And, Jigsaw Storehouse, which provides toys, clothing and equipment to families with children under 11 years old.
If you are a local authority, healthcare provider, school or social worker who would like to be able to refer individuals and families to benefit from the food bank or the Jigsaw Storehouse, please read our information on how to become a referrer.